Sunday, December 30, 2018

Best of The Best - New Year Resolution Jokes – 5

New Year Resolution joke:

 Feel free to share your jokes or comments at the comment section below. Have a great new year with no resolutions to follow.

 Click to enlarge and feel free to share on social media.

Best of The Best - New Year Resolution Jokes – 4

New Year Resolution joke:

Feel free to share your jokes or comments at the comment section below. Have a great new year with no resolutions to follow.

 Click to enlarge and feel free to share on social media.

 Or buy the New Year Jokes book for more awesome jokes.

Best of The Best - New Year Resolution Jokes – 3

New Year Resolution joke:

Feel free to share your jokes or comments at the comment section below. Have a great new year with no resolutions to follow.

Click to enlarge and feel free to share on social media.

Or buy the book for more awesome New Year Jokes.

Best of The Best - New Year Resolution Jokes – 2

New Year Resolution joke:

Feel free to share your jokes or comments at the comment section below. Have a great new year with no resolutions to follow.

Click to enlarge and feel free to share on social media.

Or buy the book for more funny jokes.

Best of The Best - New Year Resolution Jokes - 1

Here are the best of the best Happy New Year and New Year Resolution jokes of all time.

Feel free to share your jokes or comments at the comment section below. Have a great new year with no resolutions to follow.

Click to enlarge and feel free to share on social media.

Or buy the book for more jokes

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Why did man invent God?

Q. Why did man invent God?
Ans. To get to the other side. 

This is perhaps the best joke I have ever heard. If you missed it, "the other side" refers to the “afterlife”.

This joke questions the basic idea of a social life. You can replace the word “God” with anything like Government, System… If we did not invent God, we would not have suffered from another burden. Our ancestors would not have fought by his name. We could have taken some epics as great literature.

Just think about your regular life:

You have been working for a few years. Did you ever ask why you joined a job? I know; you wanted to earn some money. Did you ever ask how much you need to fulfill the cause of joining the job? I know; there is no limit. But did you think about why you need to earn money? I know; you wanted to live a dignified life. But, today are you really living a life? Who is driving your life – you or the job schedule?

You often take a break from work and move out to enjoy a vacation. Think twice about the approach – your job is still a priority. You want a break from your job. You never said that you need to live a life.

Your workplace is developing into a life. Is it possible?

We developed a system to work to earn food. Now the system is moving us. How many years are left in your life?

I am yet to see someone who is living to live. Everyone is living to die.

Why did we develop countries or boundaries; to fight or to conquer? Someday, we had the whole world as our mother land. So what are we really fighting for?

I am yet to do any justice to the joke. I will appreciate your thoughts.

BTW, do not forget to read the fun part: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Sardar joke - Simple thinking

Interviewer: Imagine you are on the 13th floor. Suddenly it caught fire. How will you escape?

Sardar : Simple. I will stop imagining!!!

Ok, that was the joke. 

But, don't you think, there can be a simpler solution to every problem? I am not asking you to escape any situation by closing your eyes. I am just asking you to find the main cause for that particular problem. Once you find it, the problem itself will show you the solution.

If you do not find a solution, may be, you are yet to identify the problem.

And stop imagining and worrying about things that are yet to happen. Be cautious but live a life too.

Sardar and a Cockroach

A Sardar was experimenting with cockroach, first he cut it's one leg and shouted - walk.

The cockroach walked.

Then he cut it's second leg and shouted the same.

The Cockroach walked.

Then cut the third leg and did the same. At last he cut it's fourth leg and ordered again to walk!

The cockroach didn't walk.

The sardar shouted, " I found it. If we cut four legs of a cockroach, it becomes deaf."

So, that was the joke. Don't we do the same thing in our regular life? 
Are you a Sardar?